“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
~ Anais Nin
Psilocybin-Assisted Facilitation in Southern Oregon
Dr. Morgan provides Psilocybin-Assisted Facilitation in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere at Omnia Group Ashland, a licensed Psilocybin Services Center in Ashland, Oregon.
Dr. Morgan facilitates clients’ psilocybin sessions from the perspective that we all possess an inner healing intelligence. This is a different paradigm from that of the Western model of medicine and though different it can support those currently working with Western models as well as those seeking to explore alternative ways to heal. Each person’s session is unique.
 Just as our bodies know how to heal physical injuries, each of us also possesses the innate capacity to heal from emotional injuries.

What is a psilocybin session like?
Because each person has different issues and goals for their psilocybin session, each experience will be different depending on the individual.
Preparation for your Psilocybin session
Following the review of your intake forms you can expect to have two hour-long online preparation sessions during which you can discuss the current events happening in your life, your personal history, your reasons for seeking a psilocybin session, and more. I will explain what to expect before, during and after your psilocybin session, including physical and psychological effects.
I will support you in identifying the frame of mind “mindset” that will offer the greatest benefit during the session and teach you breathing techniques to use if you are faced with any uncomfortable emotions or physical sensations during your session.
Administration of Psilocybin
For most of the session, you will typically be lying down, with eyes closed, listening to music. The experience is generally more internal and does not involve much talking. The administration session will likely take from four to six hours or longer depending on the person and dosage.
If you start to feel anxious or encounter a traumatic memory or vision, breathwork, and reassuring touch as defined by Oregon State psilocybin laws may be used if consented to in writing prior to the session. The goal is not for you to avoid or be distracted from the experience but to help you stay with, move through, and learn from the session.
Psilocybin session integration
It is important to understand that the results from your psilocybin session will be deeper and richer if you actively participate in the process of integrating the material that arose during your session. Therefore, you will be provided with an hour-long integration session the day after your administration session, and again within one month after your administration session. The ultimate purpose of the integration sessions is to help you bring what you learned in the psilocybin session back into your life.

Psilocybin-Assisted Facilitation Rates, Insurance & Policies
My fees are $225 per 60-minute session.
My fee structure enables me to sustain my livelihood while also providing access to Psilocybin-Assisted Facilitation at reduced fees for those in the Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities / Asian American and Pacific Islander communities (AAPI) / and for those identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or gender expansive, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit (LGBTQIA2S+) as well as for those with extremely limited means.
Cash, credit cards, or payment apps such as Venmo and Zelle are accepted for payment. Please plan to pay at the time of your session, unless alternate arrangements are made.
Psilocybin services are not yet covered by health insurance or employee benefit plans.